Lost and Found Episodes of Doctor Who

By Brian Hass

updated May 1999 No. 12

This posting is presented in seven sections:

   1.The Originally Lost Episodes 
   2.The Recovery of Episodes 
   3.Other Recoveries 
   4.Redundant But Significant Recoveries 
   5.Rumors of Recovered Episodes 
   6.Discovered But Not Recovered 
   7.Additional Notes 


     (1) Chris Whitehead (chrisw@calgary.hp.com)* 
     (2) Paul Lee (pl100@tower.york.ac.uk)* 
     (3) Steve Phillips (s.phillips@umds.ac.uk) 
     (4) Ryan K. Johnson (RyanKay@aol.com) 
     (5) Lorna Payne (SLL28@cc.usu.edu) 
     (6) Loyd Bulmur (loyd.bulmur@canrem.com)* 
     (7) Jon Lange (jlange@patsy.seattle.wa.us)* 
     (8) Chris Heer (root@isis.isisph.com)* 
     (9) Jesse Smith (JDS97@uno.cc.geneseo.edu)* 
     (10) Mike Teague (etlmwte@etlxdmx.ericsson.se) 
     (11) Matthew Moring (MattMoring@aol.com) 
     (12) Steve Roberts (steveroberts@compuserve.com) 

Notes: All email addresses with asterisks at the end are no longer valid. 
But, until more up-to-date email addresses become known, the old ones 
will continue to be listed; since, contributors are frequently known by 
their email addresses as much as by their own names.

Throughout this posting, the contributor of a given piece of information 
will be indicated by a (#) placed beside the given piece of information, 
where "#" is the number of the contributor.


     (s1) Doctor_Who:_A_Celebration by Peter Haining 
     (s2) Doctor_Who:_25_Glorious_Years by Peter Haining 
     (s3) Friends of "Doctor Who" Newsletter (Spring 1992) 
     (s4) Doctor_Who:_The_Key_to_Time by Peter Haining 
     (s5) Doctor_Who:_the_Handbook:_the_Fourth_Doctor by 

     (b1) NJN's "Doctor Who: Who's Who"

     (n1) "Missing Without Trace" (May 1994) by Paul Lee 
     (n2) "The Save 'Doctor Who' Website" 

Key: (s#)=Printed Source, (b#)=Broadcasted Source, (n#)=Internet Source


(between 1973 and 1977)

The following information was obtained from a number of sources, 
not the least of which are the two anniversary books by
Peter Haining, entitled Doctor_Who:_A_Celebration and 
Doctor_Who:_25_Glorious_Years. The following information
may be and probably is incomplete. However, it should give 
the reader a good idea of what has been lost and how much
of it has since been recovered. Any episodes not listed below, 
despite having once been lost, have obviously been
recovered; or, they would have otherwise been brought to the 
attention of the author of this posting in other sources. In
other words, if the episode is still lost, it is included in 
the following listing.

The Tom Baker story, "Shada," may sometimes be listed in 
publications as missing; and, the 1985-86 season from the
Colin Baker era is often referred to as the "missing season." 
None of these stories were ever lost from the BBC archives.
"Shada" was never completed due to a strike at the BBC; but, 
all of the footage from this story still exists at the BBC.
And, this footage was tied together with narrations by Tom 
Baker in 1992. The 1985- 86 season was never produced; so,
no footage ever existed. But, the stories which were intended 
to be produced that season are available in paperback.
Thus, none of these stories are listed below.

Note: The production codes were not used in the following 
listing. To allow everyone to see which stories were missing
and where they belonged in the general listing of all stories, 
they were numbered according to their original broadcast

There was some disagreement on the Net in the early 1990's 
regarding which episodes of "The Ice Warriors" were
missing; but, the missing episodes are actually parts two 
and three. (3)(7)

No original videotape recordings of the Hartnell and Troughton 
episodes exist. All of those two inch tapes were telecined
to black and white film for foreign TV stations, which used 
that format instead of videotape. After their transmission by 
the BBC, the tapes were wiped. (2) Some of the Hartnell tapes 
were wiped as late as 1969. (3)

Actor (Doctor)/                     originally    recovered
Story Title (# of episodes)         lost by 1977  since 1977
----------------------------------  ------------  ----------
William Hartnell
4.   Marco Polo (7)                    1-7
8.   The Reign of Terror (6)           1-6          1-3,6
14.  The Crusade (4)                   1-2,4        1
17.  The Time Meddler (4)              1,3-4        1,3-4
18.  Galaxy Four (4)                   1-4 
19.  Mission to the Unknown (1)        1
20.  The Myth Makers (4)               1-4
21.  The Daleks' Master Plan (12)      1-12         5,10
22.  The Massacre (4)                  1-4
24.  The Celestial Toymaker (4)        1-4          4
26.  The Savages (4)                   1-4
27.  The War Machines (4)              1-4          1-4
28.  The Smugglers (4)                 1-4
29.  The Tenth Planet (4)              4

Patrick Troughton
30.  Power of the Daleks (6)           1-6
31.  The Highlanders (4)               1-4
32.  The Underwater Menace (4)         1-2,4
33.  The Moonbase (4)                  1,3
34.  The Macra Terror (4)              1-4
35.  The Faceless Ones (6)             2-6          3
36.  The Evil of the Daleks (7)        1-7          2
37.  The Tomb of the Cybermen (4)      1-4          1-4
38.  The Abominable Snowman (6)        1-6          2
39.  The Ice Warriors (6)              1-6          1,4-6
40.  The Enemy of the World (6)        1-2,4-6
41.  The Web of Fear (6)               1-6          1
42.  Fury from the Deep (6)            1-6
43.  The Wheel in Space (6)            1-5          3
46.  The Invasion (8)                  1,4
49.  The Space Pirates (6)             1,3-6
Jon Pertwee
71.  Invasion of the Dinosaurs (6)     1            1 (b/w only)

Jon Pertwee (color episodes only)
52.  Dr. Who and the Silurians (7)     1-7
53.  The Ambassadors of Death (7)      2-7
54.  Inferno (7)                       1-7          1-7
55.  Terror of the Autons (4)          1-4
56.  The Mind of Evil (6)              1-6
57.  The Claws of Axos (4)             2-3          2-3
58.  Colony in Space (6)               1-6          1-6
59.  The Daemons (5)                   1-3,5
61.  The Curse of Peladon (4)          1-4          1-4 
62.  The Sea Devils (6)                1-3          1-3
63.  The Mutants (6)                   1-2          1-2
64.  The Time Monster (6)              1-6          1-6
67.  Frontier in Space (6)             1-3,6        1-3,6
68.  Planet of the Daleks (6)          3
72.  Death to the Daleks (4)           1            1

Here are the numbers: 

 | Doctor (era)               |  lost   |  since   |percentage|
 |                            | (origin)| recovered| recovered| 
 | William Hartnell (1963-66) |   61    |    15    |    25%   |
 | Patrick Troughton (1967-69)|   76    |    13    |    17%   |
 | Jon Pertwee (1970-74)      |         |          |          |
 |   (black and white)        |    1    |     1    |   100%   |
 |   (color)                  |   63    |    35    |    55%   |

It seems apparent from the information above that only an average 
of 31.8% of all lost "Doctor Who" episodes have since
been recovered between 1977 and 1999. It can be assumed that all 
of the more obvious locations (TV stations/networks
that borrowed copies of episodes from the BBC) have already been 
searched; so, the rate of recovery will likely decrease
over the coming years. In fact, the rate has fallen considerably 
since 1990.

Out of all of the stories for which episodes have been recovered, 
the following stories are the only ones to have been fully
restored (some of these are imperfect in that they contain edits; 
but, they are otherwise complete... see section II). 

     The Time Meddler 
     The War Machines 
     The Tomb of the Cybermen 
     Invasion of the Dinosaurs 

And, the following are the only Jon Pertwee stories that have 
been restored to color (not through the miracle of colorization):

     (2) The Claws of Axos 
     (2) Colony in Space 
     (2) The Curse of Peladon 
     (2) The Sea Devils 
     (2) The Mutants 
     (2) The Time Monster 
     Frontier in Space 

In addition, the following Pertwee episodes have been restored 
to color since 1992 by superimposing the color signals
from betamax recordings (which were made at the request of Ian 
Levine and his friends) and the luminance signals from
the Betacam videotape copies, which were made from black and 
white film prints already available at the BBC archives.
A computer system permitted these two signals to be mated 
perfectly by digitizing the black and white image and allowing
it to be twisted and manipulated until it matched the color 
signal. (2) This was necessary due to the slight and almost
unnoticeable distortion of the images in the black and white 
film prints, which were made by aiming a movie camera at a
television screen. (s2) (2) The black and white episodes were 
transferred from film to videotape before mating luminance
signals with the color signals. (3)

     Doctor Who and the Silurians (parts 1-7) 
     The Ambassadors of Death (parts 5 and 6) 
     Terror of the Autons (parts 1-4) 
     The Daemons (parts 1-3,5) 

Note: In the early 1990's, the success of the restoration of 
color of parts 5 and 6 of "The Ambassadors of Death" was
considered questionable by a source on the Net. But, Steve 
Roberts reported that part 5 was fine, but that part 6
contained some color patterning, which might eventually be 
correctable through signal processing. (12)

It would seem unlikely that the bulk of the "Doctor Who" stories 
missing from the BBC archives will ever be recovered.
And for those that will be recovered, it will probably occur over 
the next few decades. However, we can always keep our
fingers crossed and hope for future "happy accidents."

Note: Contrary to an earlier report, the "wet-gate" was not used 
in the Pertwee episodes to which color was restored.(12)


The purpose of this section of the posting is to provide 
descriptions of when and where various "Doctor Who" episodes
were recovered (and to provide the name of the person responsible 
for the recovery, if at all possible). Once again, much
of this information is probably incomplete. If all information 
about an episode's recovery is unknown, the time period
during which it was recovered is provided (with as much accuracy 
as my sources permit).

Some of the discoveries noted in this list may seem redundant 
(ex: if part 1 of "Death to the Daleks" was discovered in
Canada in 1980/81, then why does it matter that it was discovered 
in England in 1992). The reason is that PAL master
tapes are preferrable to NTSC master tapes; since, all color 
"Doctor Who" stories were originally taped in the PAL TV
system. Picture quality in NTSC, although good, degrades somewhat 
during the PAL to NTSC conversion process.
Conversion back to PAL degrades the quality further.

Otherwise, all truly redundant discoveries have been eliminated 
whenever possible.

Except where indicated, the following information was retrieved 
from or pieced together from information in the Peter
Haining books: Doctor_Who: A_Celebration and Doctor_Who:

Stories (Episodes)                              Description

Most of William Hartnell's                 discovered in the back of the     
first two seasons*:                         vault at the BBC Enterprises
(including the original                      by Sue Malden (late 1970's)
version of "An Unearthly

The Web of Fear (part 1):                         returned from overseas
                                                             (n1) (1978)

The War Machines (part 2):                       (2) rescued by a fan in
                                                Australia from a rubbish
                                               bin at ABC TV (Australia) 
                                            and permitted BBC to copy it
                                                            (2) (1978/9)

The Dominators (part 3)**:                      returned from storage at
The War Games (parts 1, 3-4, 6-7, and 10)**:      British Film Institute
                                                              (2) (1979)

The Curse of Peladon (NTSC) (all):                         discovered at
The Time Monster (NTSC) (all):                        TV Ontario, Canada

The Wheel in Space (part 6)*:                              discovered by
                                                       Sue Malden at BBC
                                                     (before March 1983)

The Claws of Axos (NTSC) (parts 1-3):                (2) found in Canada
                                                           (2) (1980/81)

The Mutants (NTSC) (parts 1 and 2):                  (2) found in Canada
                                                              (3) (1980)

Death to the Daleks (NTSC) (part 1):                 (2) found in Canada
                                                          (2) (1980/81?)

The Abominable Snowman (part 2):                    (2) recovered from a
                                                  British film collector
                                                    (3) by Roger Stevens
                                                         (2) (late 1981)

The Faceless Ones (unedited) (part 1)*:     (3) discovered to have never
                                               been lost by the BBC, but
                                               not until after an edited
                                                 copy had been recovered
                                                           from overseas
                                             (after or during late 1981)

The Reign of Terror (part 6):                        (2) returned from a
                                                  British film collector
                                                 after negotiations with
                                                     fan, Bruce Campbell
                                                       (2) (spring 1982)

The Time Meddler (unedited) (parts 1 and 3):            (2) recovered by
                                                         fan, Ian Levine
                                                              (2) (1982)

Invasion of the Dinosaurs (b/w) (part 1):         recovered from British
                                                  collector of 16mm film
                                                    (3) by Roger Stevens
                                                        (2) (early 1983)

Colony in Space (NTSC) (all):                        (2) found in Canada
                                                        (2) (early 1983)

The Sea Devils (NTSC) (parts 1-5):                   (2) found in Canada
                                                        (2) (early 1983)

The Ice Warriors (parts 1 and 4-6):               (2) found in a disused
                                              cupboard in Villiers House
                                            (BBC Enterprises "old" home)
                                                      (after March 1983)

The Daleks' Masterplan (parts 5 and 10):          (s2) discovered in the
                                              (5) basement of the Church
                                                      of Jesus Christ of
                                                       Latter Day Saints
                                                in Clapham, South London
                                                           (summer 1983)

Inferno (NTSC) (all):                                         (2) Canada
                                                     (2) (shortly before
                                                         Christmas 1983)

The Time Monster (PAL) (part 6):                  (2) found in Australia
                                                              (2) (1984)

Frontier in Space (PAL) (parts 1-3 and 6):           (3) found at ABC TV
                                                              (2) (1984)

Frontier in Space (PAL) (parts 4 and 5):             (2) found at ABC TV
                                                              (2) (1984)

Frontier in Space (PAL) (3 incomplete) (part 6):     (2) found at ABC TV
                                                              (2) (1984)

The Wheel in Space (part 3):                       (2) returned by a fan
                                                  living near Portsmouth
                                             (3) returned by David Stead
                                                       (3) (spring 1984)

The Celestial Toymaker (n) (part 4):             (2) found in the vaults
                                                   of ABC TV (Australia)
                                                        (2) (early 1984)

The Time Meddler (e) (parts 1, 3, and 4):         discovered at Nigerian
The War Machines (e) (parts 3 and 4):                        TV stations
The War Machines (e?) (part 1):                        (2) (spring 1984)

The Reign of Terror (parts 1-3):                 (s2) BBC recovered from
                                                      a company in Crete
                                                (2) a Cypriot TV station
                                                          (October 1984)

The Faceless Ones (e) (part 3):             (3) returned by Saeed Marham
The Evil of the Daleks (part 2):               (12) after Gordon Hendry,
                                                   (2) a film collector 
                                               from Oxfordshire, England
                                                       purchased them at
                                                      a car boot sale in
                                                  (s2) (association with
                                                  Brighton Cinema Club?)
                                                        (2) (April 1987)

The Tomb of the Cybermen (e?) (all):                   (2) discovered at
                                                    Asia TV in Hong Kong
                                                     (2) (December 1991)

Death to the Daleks (PAL) (part 1):              (2) found at BBC Pebble
                                             Mill in Birmingham, England
                                                              (2) (1992)

The Dominators (unedited) (part 5):                            (3) found

The Crusade (part 1):                         (n2) found by Neil Lambess
                                                     and Paul Scoones in                                                
                                                   Auckland, New Zealand
                                                     (n2) (January 1999)

 (n)  The "Next Episode" caption has been altered or deleted.
 (e)  These episodes have a large number of splices or edits.  Although
      these episodes have been recovered, it would be preferrable to find
      unspliced replacements in the future.
 (e?) These episodes may possibly have a large number of splices or edits.
 *    These episodes were not actually lost, just misplaced at the BBC
 **   These episodes were not lost; because, the BBC had given the two
      "Doctor Who" stories to the British Film Institute for safe keeping.

Notes: Although Peter Haining's twenty-fifth anniversary book gives credit to
       Bob Monkhouse for playing a role in the recovery of episodes, two
       sources on the Net have informed me that much of the credit goes to
       Ian Levine and that Bob Monkhouse's role was minimal. (2)  In fact,
       Steve Phillips says that Bob Monkhouse's contribution was
       "nothing at all." (3)  To be more specific, Doctor_Who:_25_Glorious
       _Years described Bob Monkhouse as having served as an advisor, who
       helped episode hunters by providing the names and addresses of
       suggested contacts.

       According to Paul Lee, none of the "Doctor Who" episodes that are
       now in the BBC archives are in slash/print form as was reported by
       Peter Haining in Doctor_Who:_25_Glorious_Years. (2)  A copy of
       "The Wheel in Space" part 6 in its final form (not slash/print) is
       available on the BBC video, "Cybermen: the Early Years."

       Steve Roberts reports that the earlier story of a fan rescuing 
       "The War Machines" part 2 from a rubbish bin at Australian 
       ABC TV (in 1978 or 1979) is not very accurate.  Steve reports 
       that the episode was actually stolen, forcing the BBC to send a 
       replacement copy for subsequent transmission.  Furthermore, 
       the fan was said to have not allowed the BBC to copy it.  However, 
       he was said to have given a lower quality film copy of the episode 
       to Ian Levine; and from this, bits were used (when necessary) 
       in the 1996 restored version of the episode. (12)

       An earlier version of this article listed Saeed Marham as having 
       purchased "The Facess Ones" part 3 and "The Evil of the Daleks" 
       part 2 at a car boot sale.  Steve Roberts reports Saeed was more 
       of a go-between. (12)

       "Doctor Who: Who's Who" credits Roger Brunskill (editor of program
       adaptations at BBC Enterprises) with having played a key role in
       the discovery and recovery of nine Pertwee stories previously
       thought lost.  Five complete black and white stories were found in
       the BBC Enterprises film and tape libraries.  Four were found
       incomplete.  And, old color copies were found at ABC Australia,
       resulting in the completion of the Pertwee era. (b1)

       Doctor_Who:_25_Glorious_Years mistakenly referred to the site of
       the recovery of "The Daleks' Masterplan" parts 5 and 10 as being
       the "Mormon Unification Church temple" in Clapham, South London. (5)

       It should be noted here that all of the original videotape copies
       of "Doctor Who" held by the BBC archives were in the PAL format,
       not NTSC.  Any NTSC recordings which the BBC now possesses were
       brought in from Canadian television stations to replace the lost
       PAL recordings. (2)

       Along with the recoveries noted in this section, other episodes
       were recovered as well.  However, those other episodes were already
       in the BBC archives at that time. (3)

       For more information regarding the details on which sections of
       certain episodes are missing (edited out), check Steve Phillips'
       clips listing (see Recommendations section at the end of this

Many thanks to Paul Lee, Steve Phillips, and Steve Roberts for supplying 
updated information for this section of the posting.


The following recoveries only resulted in returning duplicates of stories 
that already existed at the BBC archives.

The purpose of including this section is to make the posting more complete 
and to provide source for people with information on recoveries; so, 
they can compare to determine whether the episodes were actually discovered 
or whether mere duplicates of existing episodes were recovered.

The Space Museum (part 1):                 (3) returned by Roger Stevens
The Moonbase (part 4):                                   (3) (late 1981)

The Faceless Ones (part 1):                       (2) returned by ABC-TV
                                                            in Australia
                                                          (re-edited for
                                                  Australian television)
                                                         (2) (late 1981)

The Time Meddler (part 2):                             (3) (Autumn 1984)

An Unearthly Child (parts 1-4):                          (3) (late 1984)

The Aztecs (parts 1-4):                                (3) returned from
The Sensorites (parts 1-6):                            Cyprus Television
                                                     (3) (December 1984)

Tomb of the Cybermen (parts 1-4):                  (1) returned by a fan
                                                       shortly after the
                                               discovery at Hong Kong TV
                                                 (copy in bad condition)
                                                              (1) (1992)

Note: Paul Lee believes that no redundant "Tomb of the Cybermen" was 
ever recovered. (2)


Often, the BBC recovered episodes which it already possessed in its 
holdings. However, some of the episodes the BBC already held were 
re-edited versions for television stations/networks outside of Great 
Britain. Thus, the recovery of original versions of these stories 
was significant.

The Web Planet (parts 1 and 6):                        (2) returned from
                                                     Nigerian TV station
                                                       (2) (spring 1984)

These recoveries were significant; because, the versions held in the BBC 
archives had been re-edited for African and Arab television. The recovery 
of these episodes restored the story to its original form. In the 
re-edited versions, part 1 lacked the reprise from "The Romans"; and, 
part six ended with "Next episode 'The Space Museum,'" not "Next episode 
'The Lion'."


The purpose of this section of the posting is to list some of the more 
common rumors about the recovery of lost episodes and to hopefully 
defuse the false rumors.

Stories (Episodes)                                  Description

Power of the Daleks (part 4):                      an Australian claimed
                                                       to have it (1979)
                                                 -"owner" lied and stole
                                                 BBC videotapes received
                                                 in exchange for episode

The Hidden Planet:                          Unscreened footage from this
                                                unfinished Malcolm Hulke
                                              story starring Hartnell as
                                        'the Doctor' has been discovered
                                           and will be combined with new
                                              Peter Davison footage in a
                                         new story, "The Phoenix Rises."
                                                         (April 1, 1983)
                                              -an elaborate April Fool's
                                         joke by writer, Richard Landen,
                                                 of "Doctor Who Monthly"

The Savages:                            FDW reported rumor that episodes
                                        were in Australia (May 13, 1992)
                                   -Ryan K. Johnson said rumor was false
                                                      (January 28, 1993)

The Tenth Planet (part 4):                         rumor of recovery was
                                              reported over Internet and
                                                       in FDW newsletter
                                                         (November 1992)
                                   -Ryan K. Johnson said rumor was false
                                                      (January 28, 1993)

Death to the Daleks (PAL) (part 1):          found at ABC TV (Australia)
                                                in 1992 (April/May 1993)
                                               -erroneous reports in DWM

Power of the Daleks (part 2):                    Australian rumor claims
                                           that Steve Phillips possesses
                                                   a copy of the episode
                                                   but with poor quality 
                                                     (November 25, 1993)
                                                 -Steve Phillips reports
                                                that this rumor is false

The Invasion (part 1):                           Australian rumor claims
                                           that Steve Phillips possesses
                                                   a copy of the episode
                                                     (November 25, 1993)
                                                 -Steve Phillips reports
                                                that this rumor is false

The Mind of Evil (NTSC) (all):         Loyd Bulmer and Jessie Smith both
                                 saw this story aired by WNED channel 17
                                  in Buffalo, New York in the mid-1980's
                               and believed it might have been in color,
                                  and might have been the source of some
                              color copies of Pertwee stories circulated
                                         among an Australian trade group
                                             -Steve Roberts reports that
                                           those recordings were made by
                                      Ian Levine in 1977, not the 1980's

The Daleks' Masterplan (part 7):                     reportedly given to
                                             William Hartnell by Douglas
                                            Camfield as a Christmas gift
                                               but could not be found by
                                         Hartnell's wife after his death
                                             -Steve Roberts reports that
                                                   Hartnell was actually
                                              given a part of "The Dalek
                                              Invasion of Earth" and not
                                                "The Daleks' Masterplan"

Marco Polo (all):                                 Ian Levine was rumored
                                                  to have once possessed
                                               this episode and was said
                                                 to have offered to show
                                                    it to Carol Ann Ford
                                               -Mike Teague reports that
                                               this was purely rumor and
                                         that Carol Ann Ford denied that
                                            there was any truth to this.
                                              And, Steve Roberts reports
                                            that Ian Levine has received
                                           a bum-rap and is not hoarding
                                                            any episodes

The Tenth Planet (part 4):                    disappeared from the "Blue
The Daleks' Masterplan (part 4):          Peter" production office after
                                           clips were acquired from each
                                             -Steve Roberts reports that
                                          the missing episodes were more
                                          likely thrown away than stolen

In April 1993, there was a rumor that the BBC had found "something" and 
was supposedly rushing it onto video in time for the 30th anniversary. 
In a related rumor from that time, a June 1993 video release was expected
to contain an advertisement for another video that would "blow everyone's
socks off." However, this information was never confirmed as of the time
this article's most recent update. New information about this recovery is 
welcomed. (the original rumors were supplied by Chris Whitehead) (1)

Chris Heer (8) reports that nothing was rushed to video for the 30th 


The purpose of this section is to list information about episodes that 
supposedly exist but have not been returned to the BBC archives.

Notes: The purpose of this section is NOT to spread unfounded rumors; 
so, readers are encouraged to treat any unverified information as such. 
In other words, be responsible; and, do not repeatedly harrass anyone 
suspected of possessing lost episodes. In addition, be fairly certain 
of the foundation of any rumor that is submitted.

As of 1988, only three percent of rumors, on average, led to actual 
episode recoveries.(s2) Undoubtably, this percentage has dropped a bit 
in more recent years; so, the reader should keep this in mind when 
reading the following rumors. The Tenth Planet (part 4):

A BBC employee reportedly "borrowed" this episode from the archives. 
The BBC was said to have known who he was and was suppose to have 
attempted a recovery in early 1993. However, the "copy" that was 
returned to the BBC was reported as being a blank; and, the employee 
was said to have sold the actual episode to an unnamed collector for 
5000 pounds. (1)

Power of the Daleks (part 2):

In his May 1994 article, "Missing Without Trace," Paul Lee reported 
that a print of this episode was said to have been in the possession 
of an oil-rig worker in late 1992. He reportedly paid 5000 pounds for 
it a number of years before. Paul said he knew the worker's name but 
did not want to reveal it for fear of jeopardizing future negotiations. 
However, as of 1999, this episode remains missing from the BBC archives. 
This episode is said to be in the hands of an English collector, who 
will not return it nor reveal its existence. However, the private 
collector was said to have relented and to have shown the episode to 
a few people. (1)

Power of the Daleks (part 1):

This episode is said to exist in the UK; and the asking price is said 
to be 15500 pounds (28000 US dollars) (2).

The Web of Fear (all):

The May 13, 1988 edition of "Movie Collectors World" was reported to 
have contained a classified ad placed by Bruce Mai of Webster Groves, 
MO. In the ad, Mr. Mai reportedly offered to trade a complete "Web of 
Fear" in exchange for a complete color "Mind of Evil." An exchange of 
letters was said to have disclosed that Mr. Mai did not have that item; 
but, that he was acting as a go-between for someone in the UK who was 
willing to enter into such a trade. Mr. Mai was reported to have not 
disclosed the name/address of the person in the UK. (6)

The Highlanders (parts 2 and 4):

These were mentioned in a "Doctor Who" episode guide by Lee Booth. No 
details were provided.

The Ice Warriors (part 3):

The rumor of the existence of this episode was mentioned in a "Doctor 
Who" episode guide by Lee Booth. No details were provided.

The Daleks' Master Plan (part 4):

This was reported to have been "borrowed" from the BBC along with three 
other episodes, including "The Tenth Planet" part 4. Thus, the episode 
most likely exists somewhere. (11)

The Celestial Toymaker (parts 1-3):

In Paul Lee's May 1994 article, "Missing Without Trace," he reported 
that there had been several sightings by convincing eye-witnesses of 
this story having been broadcast by CBC affiliates across Canada. The 
BBC was said to have been attempting to ascertain the facts behind 
this story and to have been attempting to obtain access uncatalogued 
material in a storehouse in Toronto. (n1)

Note: To anyone possessing copies of lost "Doctor Who" episodes: At 
least as early as February 1984, the BBC declared an amnesty on any 
copies of episodes of "Doctor Who" that may be in private hands and 
would like to merely borrow them to make copies. (s4)

If a missing episode is located, check the Monthly 'Doctor Who' FAQ 
posting for the name/address/phone number of the BBC official in charge 
of the recovery of lost episodes.


This article was first posted in late April 1993 from the campus of 
SDSM&T in Rapid City, South Dakota. Editions three through ten were 
posted from the campus of Augustana College in Sioux Falls, South 
Dakota until September 1994, when the article went into a hiatus for 
four and a half years. The eleventh edition was posted from Beresford, 
South Dakota in April 1999.

I am hoping that it will be a welcome addition to the other 
"Doctor Who" postings on the Web. It will be updated whenever new 
developments occur or more up-to-date information becomes available.

I would like to thank Jason Miller for his assistance and words of 
encouragement when I started this article.

I would also like to thank both Richard P. Kernin of frontios and 
Siobahn Morgan for having kept the September 1994 edition of this 
article available on the internet from October 1994 to April 1999 
during my own hiatus from the internet.  Siobahn also did an excellent 
job of rendering this article more web-friendly; since it had originally 
been written for an anonymous ftp site in 1993 and 1994.

In future editions of this posting, I plan to tweak it and to tighten 
it up in any way possible. As with anything, there's always room for 

I have attempted to include any information that I consider to be 
relevent. I realize that including sources has made this listing more 
complicated to decipher; but, I believe that it is important to allow 
the reader to be able to verify any information in the posting.

I would like to dedicate this edition of my article to the memory of 
my mother, Myrna Hass, who passed away in 1998.  She was not a big 
fan of science-fiction; but, she was always enthusiastic about any 
projects I happened to be working on.  In this edition, I would like 
to note the passing of Jon Pertwee in 1986. He was the first Doctor 
for many Americans.

I wanted to mention that in the early/mid-1990's, I saw a version of 
the Tom Baker episode, "Underworld" part 1, on Iowa Public Television. 
What made it so unusual was the fact that it contained the American 
narration from the Time-Life edit of the episode from the late 1970's. 
Unfortunately, this was edited into a movie format with the rest of 
the episodes from that story; so, I could not see the name of the 
syndicate at the end. I was surprised that any of those would still 
be in circulation after all of these years.

Paul Lee reports that Chris Whitehead is no longer available on the 
Net. And now, Paul Lee is apparently no longer available on the Net 
as well.

My apologies for information not yet included here. There is a lot to 
go through. Thanks for all the contributions.

I realize parts of this article may still be a bit outdated. I am still 
going through old notes and sifting through the article.

I'm glad to know that Mike Frisbee of Iowa Public TV found the 
information I sent to him to be both useful and interesting.

Anyone may make printouts or electronic duplicates of this posting 
as long as the proper credit is given.

Any comments or new information can be emailed to: 

The following email addresses:


have been out of service since late 1994.

This article is available at the following web sites:

The most up-to-date version:


The September 1994 No. 10 version:


If you do have new information, please include the source for 
verification. I want to make certain that the info is correct
before including it here (not that I don't trust anyone). In this 
way, anyone who reads this article can determine the
trustworthiness of the information based on his/her judgements.

Doctor Who is the property of the BBC. Any copyright infringements 
are unintentional and will be corrected upon proper
notification. The BBC is not responsible for the content of this article.


"Updated List of Clips from Missing Dr. Who Episodes Known to Exist" by Steve Phillips

"Steve Phillips' Web Site" 

"Monthly FAQ Posting" by Siobahn Morgan 

"The Complete Doctor Who Video List" by Daniel O'Malley

"The Doctor Who Restoration Team Web Site" by Steve Roberts 

"Missing Doctor Who Reconstructions and Audios"