The Ninth Doctor's Drinking Game
By Bobby Clark
Drink one shot whenever the following occurs:
- The Doctor shouts 'Fantastic!'
- You see the phrase 'Bad Wolf' turn up
- A minor female character that Rose chats up and makes friends with, ends up getting killed before the end of the episode.
- The Doctor mopes about being the last survivor of his race.
- The Doctor says "stupid ape" or any other phrase meant to insult humans.
- Captain Jack flirts with a minor character.
- The Doctor is unable to resolve the plotline and it's left up to Rose or a minor character to clean up the mess.
- A Slitheen lets loose on a fart.
- The end of "The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances", in celebration of the fact that, "just this once, everybody lives!"
Additional rules - drink one shot whenever the following occurs:
- Everytime somebody, be it Rose or a minor character, makes a
comment about the Doctor's ears and/or nose (submitted by Rhiannon Smith)