Known Cuts to Existing Episodes

Important note: this section documents the situation prior to the Australian "censor" find of October 1996. Since then many of the listed gaps have been plugged. The section will be updated in due course.

The Time Meddler episode 4 (Checkmate) (tx 24/7/65)

The Celestial Toymaker episode 4 (The Final Test) (tx 23/4/66)

The War Machines episode 3 (tx 9/7/66)

The War Machines episode 4 (tx 16/7/66)

The Dominators episode 4 (tx 31/8/68)

The Invasion episode 6 (tx 7/12/68)

Notes: The prints the BBC hold of The Time Meddler episodes 1 and 3 and The Faceless Ones episode 1 are complete, although incomplete prints also exist. Some other episodes have jumps in them, but little material is actually missing at these points. The jumps in The Faceless Ones episode 3 are serious enough to render the episode untransmittable in its present form.