----------------------------------------------------------------- Charles Daniels (cdaniels@calweb.com> wrote: >Well I was bored, now all shall suffer... You think that was bad ... (Ben and Polly's song) In the square Where we were born Lived a man We couldn't please And he told Us of his life In the land Of Gallifree So we jumped Into his box till we found we were completely lost and we lived in time and space in our TARDIS Time Machine We all live in the TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine We all live in the TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine And companions Come aboard Many more of them Were here before And his flute Begins to play tweedle-de depde depde depde tweedle-de depde depde depde depde We all live in the TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine We all live in the TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine fx: lots of strange hissing and clunking noises ending with Exterminate! Exterminate! And our lives' Like a trapeeze Swinging Sixties Were a breeze Polly's cocktails Downed with ease in our TARDIS Time Machine We all live in the TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine We all live in the TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine TARDIS Time Machine Richard Develyn (Richard.Develyn@nwpeople.com > 17/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Arthur peruses Vanderdeken's Children] People who say temporal paradox when they mean causal loop are buffoons, sir, and you've been doing a lot of it lately eh Bulis? I mean where's theparadox? What's flippin' well *paradoxical* in yer dark green band and yer dark blue band and yer thin loop o' yellow? Captain Trevor "Precise" Terminology has nipped down the shops for a pint of bovine lactation, I'd say. Anyhow, there's not many can be arsed to visualise loops of multifarious colours - causal loop explanation rule no. 7 that is - but there *is* other business to attend to. One question Bulis: are you wanting to add another extension to your Sri Lankan mansion or something, because if not then why are you spouting Rama? I mean that's the only reason Clarkey does it/gets some silly named NASA scientist to do it but then he's earned himself some respect, and he knows the right people. I mean Clarkey and Kubrick are like *that* (and I'm crossing my fingers) they are. I bet Clarkey can watch A Clockwork Orange, on a big screen, whenever he likes and Kubrick wont lift a finger to stop him. But can you? Thought not. So whydyerdoit? Huh? Anyhow, the first Star Trek film pulled off this blag twenty years before you did and that had a fabulous baldy woman in it to boot. You've just got Miss Jones whose hair-length - short and spiky a la OrmanBlum or shoulder length a la Justin Richards - you "conveniently" forget to tell us. Step this way Miss Jones. Miss "when-I-first-got-into-the-box-with-the-strange-man-I-was-only-eighteen-an d-an-annoying-composite-of-supposed-teenage-right-on-attitudes-but-now-I'm -twenty-one-I've-grown-out-of-all-that-and-I-just-follow-the-strange-man-a nd-help-out-a-bit" Jones. And whereas Star Trek One had Bones being delightfully pissed-off because he looked all old and haggard, you've just got Doctor identikit being more anodyne and identikitish than ever. The identikit is mostly Tristram Farnham this time round, I think, but there are elements too of Moe Stooge and Worzel Gummidge. Never a happy combination. So it's big, right?^ and it's dumb, yeah?^ can't say a word^ and it's an object^ not abstract, no way, it's bloody well *there* that is, I mean look at all the pipes and spikes and stuff^ and we want it and they want it but they bloody well can't have it because we bagged it first. We said baggsy that object - it's not exactly talkative but it's sure big. But they said - hah! we had our fingers crossed so that cancels out your baggsy so it's *ours*. Hang on a bit^ Hey that hurt! It might be big and dumb, but it's also dangerous. How about yous and us be buddies so's we can fight it together, and then perhaps we can settle down, explain the title's enigma-code and repopulate a planet that's been wiped out - don't really know how but have a gander at these different coloured bands. Oh, you can't be arsed. No neither can I. Step forward self-interested politician. You know something don't you? Got that gleam in your eye. Going to *share* that little secret? Oh, well plenty of time for that. Meet hawk-like second in command. Better get to know him because you and he are going to be responsible for the entire temporal paradox/causal loop debacle, ably aided by "why should I believe you pinko scum" gung-ho Sho, Mr. Action-hero-actor-whose-life-is-about-to-imitate-his-art, and a plethora of over-familiar character types. Come to think of it Bulis, do you like stock? If you do, I hope it's good stock, with a chicken carcass, giblets, an onion, some bay leaves, peppercorns and cloves; not just a Knorr cube in some hot water, because you dredge all your characters straight out of the vat so I hope it's fit to be used in a luxury bouillon. I mean if I want to watch Mrs. Bucket, I'll get in a six-pack and tune into UK Gold on a Sunday, but I never do, so take Mrs. Socially-superior-sit-com-snob by the scruff of the neck and eject her from your narrative, along with her repressed and frustrated husband. Suburbia is their habitat. Never forget that. I'll grant you that it *is* easy to get your ghosts mixed up with your Ethiopian gladiators. I do it myself after eating a mushroom salad then watching Spartacus; so if you want to have your ghosties chased by other ghosties wielding nets and tridents go right ahead. Only tell us what the ghosties actually *are* with a smidgen more clarity next time you get your NASA chum to help you trot out a sequel. How about some *pictures* next time? Oh I don't mean vaguely runic Us and Ls in a grid - I've had it up to *here* with them - give us some pop-up pictures or a scratch and sniff book. Maybe something that we can colour in ourselves? Or join the dots? Yes - that's the one, that's how to proceed. Your next book, Bulis, should be of A4 size and approximately twenty pages in length. Each page should have a collection of dots, which when joined, reveal a different ghost. Underneath, you should write a caption in lemon juice, so we can hold up the page to the sunlight and find out what the ghost actually is. There's a definite niche for that sort of thing, so forget the coloured loops and get dotting. You are mis-directing your talents, Bulis. You could be the undisputed, Join the Dot Who Guru. Go for it. Arthur Banana (artbanana@aol.com> 17/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: Stories which couldn't be told with any other Doctor] Robert Smith? (smithrj2@mcmail.cis.McMaster.CA> wrote: >> No, but I can see Davison in The Aztecs (not playing much of a direct >> role, but having Tegan as Yetaxa) Charles Daniels wrote: >So the Aztecs were REAL masochists? Having Tegan as a god...yikesola >Bitchtaxa Lives! ADRIC: So, this girl is going to be sacrificed in a couple of days, and the last thing she wants to do is... me? TEGAN: Apparently. Though why, I can't imagine. NYSSA: After she's had sex with Adric, I suppose death won't seem so bad. TEGAN: Now that I think about it, having sex with Adric is the last thing I'd want to do, too. ------ TLOTOXL: You are a false goddess, and I will denounce you! Oh, my groin! ------ NYSSA: Doctor, what happened to that woman who wanted to marry you? DOCTOR: Oh, Cameca? Lovely woman... though it could never have worked. Probably. I had to tell her I spent my youth up to the shoulder in a cow's rectum before she'd leave me alone... ------ DOCTOR: However did you do that? I didn't think you stood a chance! NYSSA: Oh, it was just a simple nerve pinch I learned from watching _Star Trek_. Daniel Frankham (danielf@wantree.com.au> 23/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: The 1998 Canon Survey] Canon is obviously the radw equivalent of religion or politics. (Hmm. "Canon is the opiate of the radw masses. Discuss.") Then there's the Lennon take on the whole Canon thing Imagine there's no Canon (It helps if you're high). No series jacket to bind us Before us open sky. Imagine all the authors Writing what they may. (I I, I-i-i) Imagine there's no sect wars (It's sadly hard to do) Nothing to troll or flame for What "real" is up to you. Imagine all the posters Living here in peace (Who who, who-o-oo) You may say I'm a loony (Hey, I'm not the only one!) I hope some day you'll join us. And the group will live, let live, have fun. Imagine no obsessions So we don't need to pan. No need to have our own way, Let all enjoy what they can. Imagine all the radwers Living Doctor Who Who who, who-o-oo You could say I'm a Who fan Surely not the only one! I wish "canon" were soon forgotten And radw act as the Doctor's done. Danny Gooley (daniel.gooley@deetya.gov.au > 23/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew O'Day wrote: >In response to Charles Martin's latest post: firstly, I would rather that >you resorted to intelligent argument, rather than to swearing. Fowl language >doth not an argument make! What's the matter - chicken? Robert Smith? (smithrj2@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca> 23/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Nathan Skreslet wrote: >Can anyone please tell me what the planet Mondas looks like? is it >Earth-like or more Moon-like. How does it's size compare to Earth? It's exactly the same as Earth, only backwards. Kind of like America. Rob Stradling (phd@who.net> 24/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Preddle (jpreddle@ihug.co.nz> wrote >I did something like that once: when I was 14, I wanted to finish reading >my new novelisation of FACE OF EVIL, so with quite a bit of effort I somehow shoved a >rather large stool in my wardrobe and read the book with a torch (flashlight for our >US readers). The next morning my parents wanted to know what all that banging >coming from the wardrobe was!! Yes, it *is* a nice picture of Leela on the cover, isn't it? David McIntee (master@sol.co.uk> 28/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Arthur peruses Deceit] 1) Five Years Ago Laugh a minute being the general editor of a budding t.v. tie-in series? Nosireebob it is not. Get out from under me Dame Dilemma, your horns are cutting a hole. They are as gimlets to my buttocks. Fabulous talking gimlets screaming "People are looking at your example, so *Whatyergonnadoaboutit?*" To which I reply "I'll tell you what. I will choose a nice office, with a photocopier that works and draw up guidelines. You want to write for me? Well take a gander at these stipulations then. Next please." "Hehe, I don't think so sunshine. 'Cos you know what they'll say - those who can *do* those who can't teach *how to do* " "Right In that case I'll bloody show 'em. I'm gonna live the life of a hermit. I shall feast on gruel, flagellate myself daily and use my own guidelines to write the bestest most definitive Doctor Who novel that ever there was." "Oh don't be bloody daft. They'll think you've abused your position by commissioning yourself when ordinarily you wouldn't have stood a rat's chance. Use your brains man." Laugh a minute? It's a no win situation, for Pete's sake. Okay, okay. Tell Colonel Compromise to come in. Let's get him kitted out. I *will* write the book, but I will make it abundantly clear on the cover that I am doing so as a supreme act of self discipline to show people that I am a hands-on manager and not merely content to lead from the trenches. Just in case the point is not taken I will add an eight-page appendix, written in a calculatedly self-deprecating tone (in fact I might just compare myself to Joseph Stalin) and whilst I am at it I will slip in some Who-Orthodoxy of my own contrivance. That should do it. Now get your fabulous talking gimlet horns from under my arse, Dame Dilemma. They are cutting a hole. 2) Five Years Later Arthur Banana picked up a copy of Deceit in a remaindered bookstore. He cut a hole, so they made him buy it. A bit steep at one pound fifty. There would be no Golden Grahams in the Banana household that week. The children would have to make do with Shreddies. 3) The Present This book proved to be annoyance, as does the pigeon who, with seeming prescience, knowing that the window-cleaner has finished for the fortnight, craps twice down the pane of the guest-bedroom wherein Mary McCartney and Alistair Donald are honeymooning. (I didn't let that room out easily, I can tell you. "No sorry, Sir Paul, it's just not available at *any* price. Well, then you shouldn't have promised it to her without checking first, and no I'm not intimidated by you or any other popular entertainer. I've already turned down Scary Spice. Two thousand a night? Oh *all right* then, but they'll have to help with the cleaning and if they want vegetarian food they can bloody well cook it themselves.) An annoyance. It's quite good, Pete. But it was always going to be that, wasn't it? I mean if you'd been the kind of person to write a shite book specifically in your capacity as general editor of the book's line, then they wouldn't have made you general editor in the first place. But that's all it is, *quite* good, and let's face it, quite is not good enough when you have so pointedly used the appendix to praise yourself with faint damnation. The book should have been a sun round which, since Dicks went supernova, Orman, Cornell and Platt have taken orbit, but it is really a piece of space-ephemera, one of it's own asteroid-faces but one with a jaded expression. Given it an abstract noun as a title have you Pete? Why - is deception a theme underlying the narrative in several ingeniously interlocking strands or is it just that sometimes people aren't let on to see the whole picture? Lieutenant Latter rides here, I'm afraid. There's a bit of chicanery goes on here and there, so you call the whole book Deceit. You cannot have failed to notice that Frank Herbert neglected to call his magnum opus "Dehydration". Didn't pay any attention though did you? It's quite a good title but not great. It doesn't cut a hole, just a slim perforation. The plot's good, in fact I'd say it definitely punctures a hole through. Something's amiss on Arcadia - can't put my finger on exactly what but they never got round to making a second series of Thirtysomething. Mind you, I'm no medic but I'd always assumed that brains are shaped the way they are for a reason and that pureeing lots of them just so's you can sit in a pool of them would not in itself increase your IQ, but then I could be wrong. I'm sure Pete researched this. That's when he wasn't reseaching the crucial issue regarding pureed-brain pools: whether they get turned on by watching two women doing it. Is it better if the butch one's got a cloven head and a metal implant? I bet that took quite some researching. So, Scrappy's back, she's scrappier than ever -Cummonunclescoobylemmedropbombsontheseandroidbastardsimasoldiernow - and she's teamed up with Duke Nukem. Come get some. Not too sure about Slydoc He's still a manipulative little tosser, but he has developed a seeming ambivalence toward megalomaniac pureed-brain pools. The way he treats this one you don't know whether he more likely to blow its pureed brains out or to buy it a pint down the local. And no quite good Who story is complete without a corridor to run up and down, and I have to admit that Pete has come up with a stunner. It is a Black and Decker hole-cutter of a corridor. It has no dead-ends, yet it is positively labyrinthine. You don't need monsters to chase you up and down this one, you could die of old age just finding the exit. Nice corridor, man. The writing's quite good also. It will not win any prestigious poetry competitions but it will not take the wooden spoon for moribund prose either. It does win one prize, the Douglas Adams award for the most gratuitous use of the word "fuck" in a Doctor Who novelisation. So it is only quite good, and that annoys me. If a book is shite then I am angered or amused, depending on the variety of excrement in question. Deceit fell between this so to speak stool and that other one - the brilliant book that transforms me; makes me a different man. The book has been read and I have the same complement of holes as I had before. In this day and age I expect something more penetrating for my one pound fifty. Take note, Peter, you are not boring enough. Arthur Banana (artbanana@aol.com> 28/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Re: Delphon Opera] Mike Sivier (mikie@wurzzz.demon.co.uk> wrote: >>>Which one was that, by the way? It couldn't be any of the operas I >>>was expecting because there's clearly a happy ending. Charles Daniels (cdaniels@calweb.com> wrote: >>Well Delphon operas all end happily you see because the delphons are >>basically happy go lucky gits Mike Sivier wrote: >That's because they don't have an eyebrow movement equivalent to the >word 'sad'. Yes. In fact the closest they get is a sort of pensive look. >From the book _Eyeborows to Eternity: A Guide to the Delphon Language and culture_ By Brw Betn "Some translators have made the mistake of trying to assign the closest eyebrow movement to have a similar sentiment to sad. However, since this word is also used to signal constipation amung the Delphon, as well as considering the Delphon's rather quaint cure for constipation, we believe that doing this would be unhealthy for most travelers" > Nor, indeed, do they have one for 'anorak'. Which isn't really odd, considering. Chris Rednour (gs06cjr@panther.gsu.edu> 30/9/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- MadDog (maddogg252@aol.com> wrote: >>>You are all under some evil spell cast unto you making you think that you like >>>Tegan! Tegan IS a BITCH. She is not likable by any extent of the imagination! >>> Why do you insist that she was a good companion? All she ever did was yell at >>>the Doctor about how he never takes her home because he's saving the Universe >>>from the Daleks, the Cybermen, the Master, or whoever else happend to be trying >>>to dominate the universe (ooh, what a bastard, huh?). I personaly liked the >>>Daleks alot better than Tegan. Death to Tegan! Please, for the love of God, >>>do not form a cult that worshipd Tegan! She is evil! Thankyou. Karen Jo Nyctolops (nyctolop@concentric.net> wrote: >>I am going to get a big drum and beat it and yell. >>Thump, thump, thump, THUMP, TEGAN! Then this huge Tegan will rise up >>out of the ocean and devour all the unbelievers. So there! Charles Martin (chas_m@bigfoot.com> wrote: >Karen: >You have fallen for the trap. Pay the troll. And thus we witness the Power of Troll. Robert Smith? (smithrj2@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca> 3/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- But back to the DW theme. I was staying with a mate in Brighton a couple of weeks ago, and, in betweeen cruelly luring robotic dogs into the sea with beach balls, picked up the CDs 'Variations on a Theme', and 'The Worlds of Doctor Who'. Was feeling a bit flush, actually. Anyway, back at my mate's flat, I popped 'VOAT' on the machine and spent the next 20 minutes rolling around the floor in hopeless, hysterical, embarrassment. Thankfully, rather than beating me to a fleshy pulp with a baguette, my friend merely looked at me as though I had whazzed on his CD player. Who the buggering bollocks thought that this stuff was good? I really have a hard time with the image of Keff McKulloch (or whoever), leaning back in front of their sequencer as the code flies past thinking "Yeah, this rocks!! This confirms me as the KING of Doctor Who composers/arrangers; this pisses all over Delia Derbyshire!!" Ben Woodhams (woodhamsb@parliament.uk> 5/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- sifi@spirit.net.au wrote: >Foxtel are showing "Resistance is Useless" and "Destruction" as part of the >Who Files here in Australia. Can anyone tell me what's in these programs? >I've never heard of them before! These are the video diaries of two BBC meetings. The first is JN-T pleading with BBC drama not to cancel the show after "Survival". The latter is the BBC Archives policy in the 1970s. Hope this helps. Peter Anghelides (peter-anghelides@mcmail.com> 6/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Brett O'Callaghan (boc@lin.cbl.com.au> wrote: >>Sorry, but according to the credits, Sylvester plays someone called >>"the old Doctor". mikie@wurzzz.demon.co.uk (Mike Sivier) wrote: >Well, his incarnation is supposed to be getting on a bit by the time >of the TVM. I'm surprised he didn't have a walking stick to replace >the umbrella. The done practice in all multi-Doctor stories in "Doctor Who" is to call all the returning Doctors either "Doctor Who" or "The Doctor" in the credits. Definately never "the Old Doctor" - what then "The Older Doctor", "The really old one before him" and "The Dead Doctor?" Brett O'Callaghan (boc@lin.cbl.com.au> 7/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: Loch Ness monster survey] Anthony M Cervino (amcervin@email.unc.edu> wrote: >> I, Karen Jo Nyctolops, subscribe to the theory that the Loch Ness monster >>is/could be a product of: >> a: Zygon "Earth-conquering" bio-technology >> b: the Borad's deliverance via the Timelash Karen Jo Nyctolops (nyctolop@concentric.net> wrote: >Both of these. There is more than one and they take turns being seen. >This is why different people describe the monster in different ways. That's it! and all this time I was trying to reconcile the two reports I had. Description 1: It was this huge great, long-necked, ferocious reptile. Description 2: It was a little, ugly bloke taking a swim. Thanks, Karen. Richard Smeltzer (MAT7RS@.leeds.ac.uk> 8/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Anthony M Cervino (amcervin@email.unc.edu> wrote: >>I, Karen Jo Nyctolops, subscribe to the theory that the Loch Ness monster >>is/could be a product of: >> a: Zygon "Earth-conquering" bio-technology >> b: the Borad's deliverance via the Timelash Karen Jo Nyctolops (nyctolop@concentric.net> wrote: >Both of these. There is more than one and they take turns being seen. >This is why different people describe the monster in different ways. Borad: Whose turn is it today, Skaresen? Skaresen: ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Borad: Right. Me again, then. Mike Sivier (mikie@wurzzz.demon.co.uk> 8/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Slake wrote: >Indeed. I'm now suggesting that those of us who don't consider the TVM, >sixties dalek movies, comic strips, NA's, 8DAs, MAs, PDAs, IAs, MIAs, >AAs, audio adventures, Shakedown and Shada to be canon >(pause for breath> >employ the term "canonette" when referring to one of these, or the TV series and >"canon" when referring to the entire DW mythos. NOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Visions flicker before my weary eyes, like candlelight on a tent wall, a gently swaying haze like an alcholic stupor. Visions of a radw tortured by sect war, scoured by flames. Dishevelled posters huddling in tiny enclaves, shivering at any movement. In this post-apocalyptic radw, the very means of communication has broken down. Of those who recognise it's existence, the Doctor Who BBC television series (1963-1989) is known as the "Core Canon" to all but the Novel Fundamentalists (to whom it is "Canonica Apocrypha"), the Fringe Dwellers, and the Smith?s, who know it as the "Applejet", from some obscure pun whose meaning has been lost in the howling winds of time. The term "canonette" was, for a time, used by a small portion of posters for what they considered certain secondary sources, before being fragmented into the "cani imperfecti", "scribuli canona" (intra, extra and void), "audio accepta, -deni, refuta", and so forth. Of those who did not accept the "canonette" status, (or only part of the material within, or who used instead the terms "Secondary Canon", "Non-core material", "Data Extracts", "Subsidiary" or the like), different subdivisions have occured. The "sub-apocryphal indicative non-licensed pseudo-official radiophonic dramas, excluding semi-connected additional adaptations" of the Neo Literari comprises effectively the same body of work as the Techno Fundamentalists' "Other Audio" classification, but the two are afforded completely different respect and canonicity by their relevant users. More typically, the "Duo Novellas" of the Troughtonians is a classification which has no corresponding concept outside that particular clique, cutting as it does across more logical canonical classifications. Thankfully, not all has changed in this brave new world. From a distant bunker I hear the sound of heated debate over the actual title of Serial B. Danny Gooley (daniel.gooley@deetya.gov.au> 8/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Arthur peruses Short Trips] K-Tel. Quality merchandise, without a shadow of one. I don't only mean the musical compilations - superlative though they undoubtedly are - but the pioneering technological triumphs: Brushomatic, Eggblender, you name it that have enriched our lives abundantly and spawned no end of catalogues, offering a veritable cornucopia of panacea domestic appliances. What would we do without them? Short Trips equals K-Tel. You don't believe me? Then read the foreword? There is really no need for Mr. Cole to have to prove himself, just because his name means cabbage, but he does anyway so let's have a shufty. Link them to "freedom" eh? That is, as you damn well admit, tantamount to linking them to nothing at all. Link them to something *concrete*, let's have a *real* challenge. Link then to "camera accessories", or "Belushi Beacons" or indeed "concrete": anything but "freedom". That's the biggest cop out since Bernard Manning farted in the Sun Hill nick. But it's good it's versatile, it's K-Tel. Look - you can even read it on the train if you want to. Wow, thanks Mr. Cole, I've always wanted a book that could do that. Mind you I've already paid five pounds for the book and I've no intention of forking out another fifty-seven just so's I can read it on the 9.24 to Kings Cross so thanks but no thanks. I'll read it in the bath as per usual. What's more, what's *much* more, and to be honest I don't know you kept mum about this in the pre-publicity stage, *the stories are all of differing lengths!!!* Niiiice One Coley, but justify it, come on, man. Pardon me? What's that you say? Sounds a bit like "That way the readers can't guess how quickly things will unfold, or know long they can expect to be in the company of the characters starring in each story," to me. Fair point but, between you and me Steve, readers don't try to guess things like that. What they tend to do is look at the page number, look ahead to the end of the story, get that page number, subtract the former from the latter and lo and behold they *know*. The difference novels and short stories is that whereas novelists try to write a good book, short story writers try to write a "good" short story. What's more they read books telling them *how* to write a "good" short story and before we know it we're sinking in a "start-at-crisis-point/no-extraneous-detail/ twist-in-the-tail/other-such-nonsense" quagmire. There's no getting out if it once the mud reaches your ankles. The stories are "good", for sure, but Edward Entertainment has gone down the West End to take in a show. So how can Mr. Cole successfully guide his writers around the quagmire? Well certainly not by giving pride of place to a story called "Model Train Set". I mean how anal can you get? The anus hasn't been invented that can retain this. We are talking Six Million Dollar Anus. Now I have never had a cross word for Mr. Blum before - and indeed his Vampire Science and Seeing I books afforded me so much pleasure that I creamed my metaphorical jeans - but I mean come on! People who play with train sets are of an even lower order than train spotters in that they can't even be arsed to go out for some fresh air. Now Mr. Blum and Ms. Orman have in general made enormous progress in fleshing out an identikit eighth Doctor but portraying him as someone who keeps a train set in the Tardis, will not get the fans flocking back. I can only presume that this is a throwback to Jon's bachelor days and that things have now changed for the better. I can hear Kate's ultimatum now: "It's either me or that train set Jon, *you* choose." So, onto Old Flames and I'm sorry to say that it's "good". So TomDoc's got a girl in every port, in a four-dimensional/space is no limit sort of way, has he? But how many old flame stories do we need? I mean we know the flame's going to rekindle and then he's going to lose her again. It's the rule for this kind of story, innit? It's what makes it "good". We know they're not going to get back together full time following a sex session in her double-decker Tardis, leaving Sarah Jane to feel like a spare part, so why bother? This is too "good" - which is not good enough. War Crimes. Me man. Me big-um hunter. Me look after woman-folk. Unless me not big-um enough but more reserved intellectual um-type when me get um-balls cut off by wise woman. This is not "good", but it's no bloody good either so on to: The Last Days and a rare oasis. Good and not at all "good", it's disparate, like it's the only surviving last episode of a four part Hartnell. Top notch Hartnell though. Aztecs not Romans - ironic I know but true. Nab him jab him tab him grab him stop that pigeon now. Keep your post modern mingling of paradigms away from me Perry Tucker. Or at least go the whole hog and call it The Perils of Penelope Pitstop. I have an allergy to Wacky Races spin-offs and you've just set it off. I sneeze all over your short-story, first Missing Adventure or no. I mean it's not exactly "good" which is a good thing but you've gone and un-created everyone who ever lived to get you past a tricky plot impasse, which smacks not of Dick Dastardly but his cousin Dan Desperate. I'm sorry, did you *have* to? I mean you collate a collection of stories, decide they're going to be about freedom, and then you go and call one of them "Freedom." Obadiah Originality's left the building to start up a new fad. Why not call it what it is. "JonDoc and Jo are banged together in an advanced outside-of-Space-Time-Continuum penal institution." 'Cos you've got quite a readable little story there but no-one's gonna bother if you just call it Freedom, are they? The title Glass brought up nasty subconscious memories of a minimalist composer's repetitious inanities, but the story itself quite eclipsed them with its horrific excellence. The fact that TomDoc and the Goofy Romana are incidental and could have been replaced by any two joes who are in the know regarding faces on windows can be overlooked. It is quality glassware. Mondas Passing - as am I - onto There are Fairies at the Bottom of the Garden. Do you think if enough people stopped believing in them they would all die, along with these fourteen (I worked this out using the aforementioned method and double checked it with the contents page) pages of pure first pressing extra-Virgin tedium? Probably not. And I must mention to Matthew one day that I have an allergy to Rolling Stones songs too, although I will sniffle through it with good cheer because his story is one of the better reads. More about obsession than freedom actually, but hey who gives a damn when Matthew gives us a pier where a lesser author would give us a corridor. Parliament of Rats. Good salty atmosphere alone will not suffice. You want to keep 'em reading you don't take 'em for cretins that eat their salt off a teaspoon. No, they sprinkle it on their chips - *after* the vinegar mark you or else the salt'll wash off - but you wouldn't think it from reading this. All we've got is the spoon and the salt-mill, so without further ado Rights - and a bit of politics as Ben Elton would say in erstwhile days before he got Ronnie Corbett shit on his shoe. Should a multipedess have the right to do what she likes with her body? Well - you just sit up on that fence for as long as you like Gricey boy - must feel *good* that - and tell us some "leg" jokes while you're there. Cor I bet aliens with lots of legs would have really funny dances ha ha ha snort snort but 'ere what about when they do up their shoelaces cackle cackle guffaw. Actually, I'm *glad* you're here. Really am. You've given me a *proper* laugh Guy and you've done it with the portly number six as well. Got a bit of a raw deal did number six - "Who is number one?" "You are number six" "Number six? *Number six??* NUMBER SIX???!!" - but you've done him proper this time. Blackly comedic ending too and at no extra cost. Now Cardinal "Roger" Rule has clearly stated that he who writes of the SlyDoc should never refer to his spoon-playing faculty. But you've done that and more - you've only gone and demonstrated it! Now there's people out there, not many but *some* who've only seen Time and the Rani and they've sort of made up their minds but they'll give it another go so they read Ace of Hearts and that's that then. No Fenric for them, and it's all your fault Perry Tucker. Prologue Now what really gets my goat is Gavin Gunter the local goat-getter but what metaphorically gets my goat is people that write a short story then get all high and mighty and give it separate chapters and headings like it's a novel in miniature. Chapter One Were you set this as an exercise in school Paul? You know, one of those English classes where you have to say how things got like they are? It certainly seems that way. "Can I do Stonehenge Miss Wilson?" "Yes, of course you can Paul." Chapter Two You may be idiotic Miss Jones but I never for once would have guessed that you would provide our pagan forbears with aerosol sprays. Think they'd use them to arouse the superstition of their enemy? Of course they wont - they'll just spray each other in the eyes. Any child could have told you that. Epilogue Well done Paul, if you would copy that onto A4 paper I'll display it in the corridor. Only cut it down to five pages first. So there we have it. The book has been read and I changed momentarily about half way through it but I am now back to the man I was before. Yeah, I'll read this on the train, Mr. Cole, but you can pay for the ticket. And stand me a bacon sandwich from the buffet carriage while you're at it. Arthur Banana (artbanana@aol.com> 9/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew O'Day (hrvt@email.msn.com> wrote: >>How was he shrunk as a result of his experiments? Slakester (kbenson@student.cowan.edu.au> wrote: >I think he might have been playing with his Tissue Compression Eliminator at >the time. the old explanation of "I was cleaning it and it went off" springs >to mind. "Good morning, Dr Haymet's office, how may I help you?" "Urgh. Ow. Argh." "I'm sorry sir, you'll have to be a bit more coherent than that. What exactly is the problem." "It's... I've... I've shrunk myself." "Oh, I see. I'm afraid we don't have a box to tick on the form for that. I'll put you down under 'other' shall I? Now, you'd better tell me precisely how it happened." "I - I was using my Tissue Compression Elimator around the house..." "Could you be a bit more specific?" "Urgh. Yes, it's a long slender thing with a knob on the end that shrinks people I don't like." "I see. And what were the circumstances that caused you to have the accident?" "Well, I just happened to be naked and one thing led to another and I slipped in the kitchen. Honest. I'm telling you, it was a billion to one shot..." Robert Smith? (smithrj2@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca> 10/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: Doctor Who Collectable Trading Card Game] South Sea Blue wrote: >I have got a promo box of these comprising - 12 packs. They have been >opened (I was curious) but not used apart from 3 cards out of one of the >packs which were exhibits to an affidavit and are therefore missing. >Unless you want to try to get them back from the Court :) This post was brought to you by CEFOSIS; Creative Excuses For Owning Something Incredibly Sad. We have lots more, including; * When I bought that Sonic Screwdriver for my girlfriend, I thought it was *something else*. * I go to conventions because my sad "Doctor Who" mates say the totty is dead good; I am registered blind and so have to take their word for this. * I have a scarf which superficially resembles that worn by Tom Baker as TV's "Doctor Who" because I support Manchester United and can't afford a new coloured scarf each year. * I know the word 'telebiogenesis' because my girlfriend always shouts it out at the moment of orgasm. Please ring for a full catalogue. Rob Stradling (phd@who.net> 11/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Simon Simmons wrote: >All of which is irrelevant as all involved in DiT supported it on >the condition that it would never be released on video. ...thus proving themselves more foresighted than many of us had previously believed. :) Paul Andinach (pandinac@mermaid.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au> 11/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Christopher A Lavagnino wrote: >Okay, with Halloween just around the corner, I'm finding it difficut to >figure out a costume. Does anyone have any suggestions for a Dr Who >themed costume that, for all intents and purposes, would be "affordable" >to come up with? >I'm thinking that I could get away with half of the alien races from the >series, especially during the late Pertwee / early Baker seasons. Stick four brillo pads to your chin, get three autistic children to crayon all over your tee-shirt. Viola! JNT Paul Ebbs (paul@ebbsy.freeserve.co.uk> 11/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: THE ANUS CONJUNCTION... spoilers!!! ] The twin orbs Left Cheek and Right Cheek lie on either side of a gigantic anal passage. But while the Left Cheek gets an attractive tan in the light of a rip in the pants seat, the Right Cheek endures everlasting night except when a quick moon causes an incredible photo-opportunity. When the Doctor and Sam arrive on the Right Cheek, they find themselves in the middle of a war between rival threadworms colonising these buttocks. The arse is bristly with pubic hairs and the Left Cheekers are using a mysterious anal probe left behind by proctologically obsessed aliens from a Whitley Strieber novel. What is its true purpose? DO WE WANT TO KNOW? The Doctor and Sam must probe for the source of a centuries-old blockage. How can a little constipation make the lower intestine weigh billions of tons more than it should? As the instestinal gases escalate around them, will the time-travellers survive to learn the answers? This is another in the series of original adventures featuring the eighth Doctor and an annoying pain in the arse. Kafenken (kafenken@aol.com> 11/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mark Phippen (quences@aol.com> wrote: >And the tie breaker: Which old enemy would you like the see the Eighth >Doctor up against, and what sort of adventure would it be? Extra >points for humour and imagination. I'd like to have him face the Toymaker, who could involve him in the plot of the unmade third Cushing movie, where the artificial Doctor Who (created by the Daleks) hunts the Doctor on the planet Mechanus! The book: "Reality Check". Some excerpts: ------- Things were starting to become clear. The Doctor was a Time Lord, had stolen a TARDIS, and had travelled with his granddaughter Susan, who left him to marry David Campbell in 2164. Doctor Who was human, had built TARDIS himself, and was travelling with his granddaughter Susan, who barely knew David in 2150. And worst of all, their lives were now overlapping. "You _can't_ be me," the Doctor protested. "How do you know, laddie?" asked Doctor Who. "Is it my moustache?" "No, no, no," the Doctor returned. "I absolutely never use that brand of boot-polish." ----- The Doctor leaped forward to protect Doctor Who, levelling his umbrella like a fencing sword. "Come forth and do battle!" he shouted ridiculously. "I am the Keeper of the Legacy of Rassilon, and a good swordsman to boot!" "Doctor," said Sam hesitantly, "where did that silly umbrella come from?" The Doctor blinked. "Oh dear. This universe has continuity problems." ----- "You are Major Steven Kingdom?" asked the Toymaker. "Yes." "You appeared as...let me see...'Morton Dill' earlier in the program." "Yes. For a total of twelve seconds." "Do you know what is about to happen to you?" "I am to be the prisoner of the Mechonoids. Susan will find me presently, and we will wait for Doctor Who to save us. Then Doctor Who will repair my spaceship so I can return to Earth. When I make it home, I will be Cliff's best man at his and Vicky's wedding." The Toymaker smiled evilly. "Wrong. Due to time constraints...we only have seventy-three minutes, you know...Major Steven Kingdom will not be appearing at all. Instead, we shall have a rushed ending with loads of explosions and a fine mist of CO2 everywhere. We shall also insert a comedic final scene involving Cliff, Doctor Who's male companion. Following this, we shall have a truly 'fab' ending credits sequence, an instrumental theme tune...not unlike that of "The Jetsons"...and background special effects featuring the insides of a washing machine with food coloring added to the water." The Toymaker paused, took a breath, and continued. "Do you know where this leaves you?" Steven was puzzled. "I'm not quite sure...." "Nowhere," the Toymaker confirmed. He pressed a small button on his desk, instantly vaporizing Major Steven Kingdom into a heap of dust. ---- The Doctor stopped to lean against a tree and catch his breath. "I'm the Doctor," he said, extending his arm. "Who are you?" "Susan," said the girl shaking his hand. "My grandfather would like to meet you. He's a doctor, too." In usual circumstances, the Doctor would have been astounded at this remarkable coincidence. As it was, he could only make terrible faces and raspy noises, because the Fungoid he had been leaning on was hungry. It had wrapped all its tendrils around his body, and was currently in the process of enveloping the tall man within its mass of vegetation. Sarah Hadley 12/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Re: A porn story by John Long involving the UNIT 'family'] Rob White (robwhite22@aol.com> wrote: >What's even sadder, is that this is a blatant rip off of another porn email >doing the rounds ( I know, several of my bored mates have sent it to me) The >original features the cast of Sesame Street, which is something that just >doesn't bear thinking about... Only the names have been changed. The plumage, the large beak, the arrogant attitude.... It all makes sense. Pertwee *is* Big Bird! Allen Robinson (allenr@mail.enterprise1701.com> 14/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Re: Suggestions for future editions of Charles Daniels' Programme Guide parodies] Dangermouse writes: >> I'd suggest that be followed by The Feckless Ones... Finn Clark (kafenken@aol.com> wrote: >The Fuckless Ones? The Tasteless Puns? Daniel Frankham (danielf@wantree.com.au> 14/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dangermouse wrote: >> "Try some terrorism for hire; we'll blow shit up... It's more fun!" Si Jerram wrote: > Trying to get MI5 and the CIA to read your every message? Don't be silly! They don't have that kind of manpower... Finn Clark (kafenken@aol.com> 15/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- There are, as you say, an almost infinite number of rooms in the TARDIS. However, a careful breakdown of rooms by type indicates that TARDIS space is allocated as follows: Corridors: 62% Shoe cupboards: 16% Baths: 8% Console rooms: 2% Libraries: 1% Storage: 6% Trampolines 2% The planet Dezax 7% * Fairground rides 1% (yes, I'm well aware this is over Butterfly rooms etc 1% 100% - we're talking about a Stairs 5% transcendental time machine Special rooms 0.5% which crashes through the Miscellaneous 3% barriers of reality, for heaven's sake!) With all of this, there is in fact only one bedroom, which is used by the Doctor and all his companions. Since this is a family show, the Doctor has used the temporal abilities of the TARDIS to allocate each companion their own segment of the room's timeline. (Adric, and then Turlough's "room" is the period just after lunch). One interesting and little-known fact is that every time the Doctor reconfigures the interior of the TARDIS, more space is assigned to corridors and shoe cupboards. No-one knows for certain whether the TARDIS itself or the Doctor is responsible for this. *deposited thence 4 billion years ago and now long forgotten and supporting a sentient population of 35 billion (most of whom have their own bedrooms) Danny Gooley (daniel.gooley@deetya.gov.au> 15/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bill K. wrote: >>Blackadders 2, 3, and 4 are essentially the same character and >>what I was referring to. Blackadder 1 was more of a bumbling >>idiot. Mariane Desautels (desautelsmariane@videotron.ca> wrote: >Doctor 2? CIA Field Report #BE45789: As of Galactic Standard Date 101698, the "bumbling idiot" cover for The Doctor's second persona continues to work brilliantly. Even the most perceptive of these humans seem to be taken in. I would strongly suggest using this idea again, though we might wish to wait until after the tribunal makes its decision about his punishment. If he *is* exiled to Earth it may not be advisable as an ongoing disguise. Or, and this is just a thought, maybe we should skip it altogether for his next regeneration and just do it with even-numbered Doctors. Let me know what you think. (Signed) @~%^*? Allen Robinson (allenr@mail.enterprise1701.com> 16/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mallingane wrote: >Yes! Although I can't think of any concrete examples, I seem to recall >that Pip and Jane 'Nobel Prize for Cobblers' Baker seemed particularly >bad at science. Maybe, like Jo, they didn't actually pass science at >school!! Perhaps there should be a Lebon Prize as a sort of un-Nobel: e.g., the Lebon Prize for Peace could be awarded to President Milosevic, etc., and the Lebon Prize for Chemistry to the makers of pot noodles, the Lebon Prize for Literature to Pip and Jane Baker, ... Graham Nelson (graham@gnelson.demon.co.uk> 16/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: Top 10 Doctor Who Spinoff Movies] Peter Anghelides wrote: >When Barry met Terry: >It's the seventies. In a series of flashbacks centered >around the script conference for Genesis of the Daleks, >producer Barry Letts reveals how the BBC appears to have >bought the same Dalek story from Terry Nation over and >over again. The producer tried a fling with another >writer (cameo appearance by Louis Marks), but soon >went back to his old flame. Whoops. Forgot to mention the "BBC Canteen" scene, where Terry finally convinces Barry that he was able to deliver a script exactly the same as the last one without Barry having previously noticed, and Roger Hancock's reaction on having made the sale: "yes! yes! YES!" The Production Unit Manager on the next table, currently working on All Creatures Great and Small, says: "I'd like to work on whatever he's working on." Peter Anghelides (peter-anghelides@mcmail.com> 17/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Re: The Pit (was Re: The Scarlet Empress)] David Golding (aknyra@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au> wrote: >>Fuck off, Becker. Dave Becker (zen_orac@my-dejanews.com> wrote: >Of course, you are completely right. What was I thinking? I should have kept >my mouth shut and just *assumed* that he meant what I thought he meant, >rather than asking him directly so that he could clarify or correct it. Silly >me. >You are so wise. >I hope that you write a book so I can defend it. Of all the ancient Chinese curses I've heard, that one's got to be the scariest! Nick Caldwell (s326954@student.uq.edu.au> 24/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject : Re: Lines In Doctor Who Novels To Avoid] Having some sense of taste I have isolated a few lines, sentences, or passages I would never place in a submission to the BBC. I just thought I would share some of them with you... "But Doctor!" Screamed Peri "Last time you took me over the console we took off accidentally and landed on Skaro!" Whined Peri. "This my my ship my young voluptuous girl, bend over or I'll take you to Fiesta 95, land of terror!" Insisted the man in the bad multi-coloured coat. Doctor Who smiled as he helped the Tellytubbies do their Tubbydance in Tubbyland, but that was before the Master showed up with the submachine gun which would forever taint the tubbyverse with pools of wretched tubbyblood. "Wicked!" Exclaimed Ace. Romana looked at the home pregnancy test of Rassilon and wondered if she could really be carrying the Doctor's child whom she'd last seen when he set forth to leave e-space. She had always liked and trusted the Doctor but it always seemed to her as if he had some otherly worldly presence about him. "Oh my m'dear boy, that isn't the lever to open the doors, that's my knob!!" Ejaculated the old Doctor vigorously. The young-old blonde man in the cricket gear coughed, cleared his throat, stared into the blazing intense eyes of his red headed young masculine friend and was heard to say "Turlough... have you ever done it..with, you know, a bloke?" "Ah! What did I tell you Sarah, Betegulese IV!" Announced the scarved avenger. "That looks a lot like Swindon to me Doctor." "Oh..bugger me, you're right." Mike Yates was on patrol. Patrol was a manly man's manly duty. Anything could happen on patrol. All of Mike's senses had to be keen and focused completely and totally on the task at hand. Still Mike couldn't get his eye of Sargeant Benton. Such a common man's man was benton. He could go down to the pub, get him piss drunk, bring him back to the barracks and slowly remove his..NO! NO! He was on patrol. He was a manly man. Sighing he considered the strange attire and demeanor of the Master. Mike had never been into BDSM, but if it came to that, he was game. "Aye, Doctor, 'ight 'hat 'e a 'onster?" "Oh yes Jamie, It is a Big One" The hovercraft stopped in the middle of the Gobi desert. The driver Shivani Adams was shocked to see anyone this deep in the Chinese forbidden zone but was even more surprised when the strange little man stepped forth and asked "Excuse me do you happen to know that you are the great great great grandson of Douglas Adams?" "Eh? What are you talking about? Do you want a lift out of here or what? Don't you know you can die out here without assistance?" The Doctor's eyes narrowed cryptically as he said with deep seriousness "I have no need to worry, I am the greatest hitchhiker in the galaxy!" The Doctor operated his hypothermal oscillating ornithopter. They said it would never fly but with his trusty sonic screwdriver he had reversed the neutron flow of the undercurrent overdrive. Now it was simply a case of figuring out which evil genius could be behind these heinous deeds. All the evidence pointed to the Master as it did every Saturday evening about this time but he wasn't so sure. Ian knew something was definitely strange about this Susan girl. He couldn't put his finger on it. Was she a genius or an idiot? Was she a star pupil or a class clown? Was she a sweet mixed up kid or an evil vile devil girl out to ruin his life? Whatever she was she was simply too damn sexy in those nude polariods she'd slipped in with her report on sulphuric acid. It would be such a pity to have to burn them but he couldn't keep the evidence around. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Screamed Mel. Jo Grant wasn't sure about this. It was the planet of the Daleks of course and the Doctor always said she should respect the customs of other civilizations. Somehow it just didn't seem consistent for the Daleks to have the custom of being photographed with nude young ladies, but if it would help bring galactic peace, what else could she do? "Silly, silly, silly! This whole thing started off good but now it's gone all silly." Complained the Brigadier abruptly. Charles Daniels (cdaniels@calweb.com> 26/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Graham Nealon (nealong@s054.aone.net.au> wrote: >>>Doesn't their frequency violate the group charter? Marcus? Dangermouse (master@sol.co.uk> wrote: >>The group has a charter? Jonathan Blum (jblum@access.digex.net> wrote: >The UK group does (hence the invocation of Marcus), a.dw.c does, but >r.a.dw? Nope. But even if it did violate the charter, there's bloody >little anyone could do about it... Hmmm must of got them mixed up although since it was an almost Pavlovian response in querying Marcus perhaps I've been here waaaaaay too long. Just thinking that 'The Invocation of Marcus' sounds as if it could make a good film. (voiceover> On the first day there was excessive advertising. On the second there was off-topic spam. On the third day there was a binary. There was no-one to stop them. Until the man and his dufflecoat were called from beyond and the legend would live again. [ scenes of postmasters leaping from their beds to terminate accounts ] [ a man covertly looking over shoulder as he enters the Bates Motel ] [ a wide shot of Bournemouth overlooked by a man with a camera ] A hero for the modern age. When a world trembles on the edge. When a dirty job has to be done. There is only one man to save us all. Marcus. (/voiceover> Graham Nealon (nealong@s054.aone.net.au> 27/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- A Hells Angel gets killed and goes to hell. He'd been a bad man all his life and it was fully expected. So the first day he's there he meets Satan, among the heat and the flames (hells main torture), and Satan asks him "Hot enough for you", the Hells Angel replies "Yes, I love the heat, it reminds me of rising throught the desert, on my bike, on a hot day, with no helmet, feeling the sun on my face". So Satan isn't very happy about this, and turns up the heat. The next day Satan and the Hells Angel meet again and it's even hotter and the flames are leaping even higher, and Satan asks "Hot enough for you ?", and the Hells Angel replies, "Oh, yes I like this more, the hotter the better. It reminds me of when I worked in the bakery, and the heat from the ovens burned my face. I love the heat". So Satan thinks again, and realises that hotter is not better and turns all the heating off. Hell is now all snow and ice. So the next day Satan skates up to the Hells Angel and the Hells Angel says to him "Have they made a new series of Doctor Who then ?" David J. A. Lewis (lewisdj1@cf.ac.uk> 28/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Peter Anghelides (peter-anghelides@mcmail.com> wrote: >Terry wrote: >>What exactly is a Dalek Tin? > PS: please, someone, give this nice young man Terry a > proper answer. There are many young men called Terry who deserve a proper answer. So many, in fact, that they constitute a Terry Nation. Nick Smale (nrs@smale.demon.co.uk> 28/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Ian Mond quoted the great John Peel: >"Right on cue, the door to the other room opened. >Standing in the doorway was a young man in his >late twenties, obviously very human. >He had blond hair, expertly trimmed . . . " I don't have a problem with the blond hair, but the "expertly trimmed" bit does give me pause for thought. Steven is a spaceship fighter pilot who for years has been a prisoner of the Mechanoids. The TARDIS crew are the first people he's seen in all that time. He's got a nasty stubbly beard. Why the fuck is his hair expertly trimmed? Was he expecting company? Even more amazingly, who trimmed it? Was Steven a hairdresser before switching to being a space pilot, or do the Mechanoids come round every week with a qualified barber to give him a wash and brush-up? Finn Clark (kafenken@aol.com> 28/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Urbilical (urbica1@aol.com> wrote: >Pertwee was my favorite Doctor. What was the name of the book he wrote? "Who on Earth is Tom Baker?" John Pettigrew (pettigrew2@cableinet.co.uk> 29/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Subject: Trolls I've seen lately: Tom Baker Update ! ! !] In brief: Quite good, but flawed. It satisfies all the technical criteria of a good troll, with just the right amount of nonsense thrown in. Sadly, however, there are a number of factors that hold it back from being as brilliant a troll as it might have been. A shame. Spoilers follow. "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" starts off quite well. The subject is intriguing and shows just enough knowledge of the subject to sucker in as many people as possible. If I were awarding points on the subject title alone, "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" would score 10/10. Unfortunately, the subject line really is the high point and it all starts to go downhill a bit from there. While the fake email address is workmanlike enough, it really lacks that special charm of a good troll, using the subject matter to create a cleverly forged address: In article (199810290600.HAA14277@replay.com>, Anonymous (nobody@replay.com> wrote: I'm also a bit disappointed to see that the word "anonymous" is spelled correctly. I'm afraid that if the author of "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" wants to be taken seriously as a troller, he is going to have to pay more attention to these sorts of details in the future. However, the worst is yet to come: > Dr. Who sucks!!! As an opening line, this really doesn't cut it. While I thought the troll was above average, this was the definite low point for me. There's nothing quite like subtlety in a good troll to really bring out the power of it, but everything seems to be lost here as the author goes for the front-on assault instead. Disappointing. > It is the cheesiest, most boring, piece of trash in the > history of science fiction. It is a VERY inconsistent series with > silly plots and characters. Things don't improve much in the rest of the first paragraph. There's a bright bit with the first use of capitalisation (more on this later), but otherwise there is consistent spelling and correct use of commas. I can only wonder what the author was thinking when he wrote this. However, I do like the appeal to the intellect, showing that "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" is at least trying to aim for something more, even if it doesn't always succeed. I like that in a troll. I'm also quite impressed by the sneaky way in which the blatant Americanism "trash" is worked into the first paragraph. That's a really nice piece of work and I applaud the effort. > And listening to you dweebs debate silly bullsh*t about a > series that has been GONE for almost a decade is a real hoot. Sadly, the success doesn't last. There's another use of capitalisation, which works admirably, as well as a subtle display of more knowledge of the series than most random trollers, but on the downside there's the two very tame insults. "dweebs" doesn't really work for me as an insult, but it may just be a reference to a certain British Magazine not published by Marvel. I'll be charitable and assume that it is. Unfortunately, any effect of the first paragraph is rather undercut by the asterisk in "bullsh*t". Once again, the author demonstrates his enthusiasm for the art of trolling, but fails to grasp a number of simple, but essential points. > GUESS WHAT??? Dr. Who is NOT real!!!! It was a stupid show from > long ago with marginal scripts, budgets, and actors. And shame on > you for liking it. The second paragraph is where things start to improve. The first hints are here that "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" has been structured in four parts, just like a typical Doctor Who story, so it's appropriate that part 2 should be a rehash of part 1. The slow but steady increase in capitalised words gives paragraph two the effect it needs and the liberal use of both question marks and exclamation marks could have come straight from the Writers Guide to Effective Trolling. There's still a tendency towards consistent spelling and (as in the first line) there's the impulse to write "Dr." (complete with the American period!). I'm still undecided as to whether this is an attempt to imitate a random troller or to deliberately wind up Doctor Who purists. I'd probably tend toward the latter, so extra marks for that. > And for all you Brits - THE QUEEN IS A LESBIAN AND DI DESERVED TO > DIE FOR BEING A SLUTTY COMMUNIST. God Bless the IRA ! ! ! Just like a good Doctor Who story, part 3 is complete nonsense. I really have to step back and admire the author's vision and audacity at this point. The lapse into all caps is brilliant, not least because of the gentle but effective lead-in we've experienced up to this point. The reference to Brits isn't bad, but sadly the insult renders itself rather redundant once it reaches the word "COMMUNIST". I have to wonder if this bit was written in a hurry, because it certainly doesn't seem to have been thought through particularly well. There are echoes of an attempt to imitate Azaxyr, so I presume this is an in-joke for trollers everywhere. I don't mind seeing the occasional reference within these trolls, so long as it doesn't get out of hand. > And if you don't like my opinions, then you can go F--k yourself ! ! ! And like all Doctor Who stories, part 4 seems to completely fall apart. Unfortunately, in this case I don't think it was intentional on the part of the author. The repeated use of the exclamation marks, complete with spacing, harkens back well to the subject line, but the reticence used on the word "F--k" sadly reduces the overall effectiveness of "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" A shame. > - Billy T. The epilogue is a little confusing. There's no obvious reference to great trollers of the past or to the show itself. Looking at this in the context of the anonymous email address, it's rather obvious that the author simply forgot the first rule of trolling and instead accidentally left his own name on the post. I'm very disappointed by this, because it takes away so much of the power of an otherwise competent troll. I'm not sure who to blame for this. Certainly the author has to share some of the blame, but I can't help feeling that if these trolls were better edited we might have a much higher standard. It's frustrating to see a competent troll like this when we could have had a brilliant one with only a few changes and a firm editorial hand. In summary, I'm somewhat impressed by "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" but I'm a little disappointed as well. It has a number of key elements right and uses capitalisation and structure to great effect, but sadly it also makes a number of quite elementary mistakes in the art of good trolling. Unfortunately, this means I am unable to recommend "Tom Baker Update ! ! !" as a model for other trollers to aspire to and instead advise that the author take a few trolling lessons before trying again. Robert Smith? (smithrj2@mcmail.cis.mcmaster.ca> 30/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Blum (jblum@access.digex.net> wrote: >>but we do have other evidence that the policy on Dalek use is >>changing. (Most notably, the infamous "Gay Daleks" sketches >>making it to the air, when I have no doubt that Terry would >>have vetoed it as disrespectful to the Daleks' reputation.) William December Starr wrote: >Jon, I know you meant that seriously, and I know that it >even makes sense in context, but dear gods, the idea of a >proposal being rejected because it would be "disrespectful >to the Daleks' reputation..." is to *seriously* giggle. :-) Dear Ms Lambert, With regards to your letter of September 18, concerning the possible use of the Daleks in your television programme. I have perused the script, and while it was certainly an interesting piece of fiction (if a little far-fetched), I regret that I am unable at this time to grant you permission to use the Daleks. I fear that their portrayal as antagonistic, indeed genocidal, Nazi-like evil aliens might tend to damage my clients' reputation. Yours regretfully, Davros Daniel Frankham (danielf@wantree.com.au> 31/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Roll-Pickering wrote: >>Can anyone post that online here? At the moment, the record appears to >>be 8 for Serial B (The Mutants/The Survivors/Beyond the Sun/The Dead >>Planet/The Daleks/The first Dalek story/The first Dalek serial/Doctor >>Who in an Exciting [!] Adventure with the Daleks)! Graham Nelson wrote: >Dr Who And The Tribe Of Gum >The Paleolithic Age >Dr Who & the Tribe of Gum >Dr Who & 100,000 BC >Dr Who and 10,000 BC >Dr Who in the Stone Age >Unborn Child ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >An Unearthly Child Unborn Child? So perhaps the idea of the Looms wasn't as recent as some of us thought... Or was Susan originally intended to be a fetus? The Doctor would've been pregnant throughout the first season, and whenever a monster would appear Barbara would hold a stethoscope against his belly and hear a scream. Or... "Ian, I'm terribly worried about that girl Susan." "You mean, the way she seems to know far too much about a few esoteric subjects, but hardly anything about everyday life?" "Well, yes, there's that. And she also looks like a prawn." Daniel Frankham (danielf@wantree.com.au> 31/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Re: Killfiles] >>>And for you Mac users, just go to the Filters menu and click "Kill this >>>author." Mark Phippen (quences@aol.com> wrote: >>Wow, that's a handy little device. Be careful how you use it. Gary Jerram (gjerram@onaustralia.com.au> wrote: >But on the plus side it does mean no more John Peel books :) (Chas, pausing his mouse over the mighty "Kill This Author" button.> Heather: What are you waiting for? Chas: Do I have the right? Heather: To eradicate John Peel?! You can't doubt it! Chas: But I do! Some things will be better because of Peel ... authors who would otherwise slag each other off mercilessly will band together to fight his convoluted retcons ... others will struggle heroically to overcome his monopoly of Dalek continuity. Suppose somebody pointed out a child in school and told you that that child would grow up to be John Peel ... could you then destroy that child? Heather: Well, after LEGACY ... er, I mean, look Chas this isn't a child we're talking about, it's Peel! The Ken Starr of wishful-thinking continuity! You must complete your mission! You MUST! Chas: I simply have to select THIS menu item and generations of RADWers can live without debate, without fear, never having heard the word "retcon!" Heather: Then do it! If it were a horrible bacteria like Azaxyr you wouldn't hesitate then now would you? Chas: But if I wipe out an INTELLIGENT life-form (as opposed to Azzy), I'll be guilty of retconning Peel myself. (oh, the irony!) (just then, Ghar(Or)man wanders in and casually mentions that radw.moderated has been approved> Chas: Ghar(Or)man, I'm more grateful than you'll ever know. :) Charles Martin (chas_m@bigfoot.com> 31/10/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Robert Smith?
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