The Doctor Who Internet Sad Fan Test
by Richard (Halibut) Salter
How sad a Doctor Who Net geek are you?
If you can answer these 50 questions, you can work out how sad, I mean, how
utterly devoted you are to Doctor Who and the Internet.
Score 1 mark for a yes answer to each question, total 50 marks.
- Have you ever posted anything to rec.arts.drwho?
- Do you frequently post to rec.arts.drwho (every day)?
- Do you have problems stopping posting to rec.arts.drwho?
- Have you ever posted anything to alt.drwho.creative?
- Was it anything creative?
- Have you ever flamed Dave Yadds?
- Do you always flame Dave Yadds?
- Have you submitted something for Net-Decalog?
- Have you ever contributed to the alt.drwho.creative passaround story?
- Have you ever heard of the alt.drwho.creative passaround story?
- Have you ever tried to stop Jen and Jill arguing?
- Succeeded?
For the next 6 questions you score correctly if you can put the real name to
each of the following net-idents:
- Jennikatra
- The Admiral
- ThE dOcToR
- Percy :)
- Paul Cornell
- Uncle Halibut VIII
- Have you ever flamed anyone?
- Did you flame them for bashing your favourite Doctor?
- Or was it your favourite story?
- Or for bashing you?
- Or just for the sheer hell of it?
- Can you explain what Banishment of the Daleks is?
- Can you give a coherent review of Outback?
- Do you know how many female netters fancy Sylvester McCoy something rotten?
- Do you know how many male netters fancy Sylvester McCoy something rotten?
- Do you fancy Sylvester McCoy something rotten?
- Have you ever followed up a posting with the words "Me too!"?
- With more than one exclamation mark?
- Do you have a kill file the size of Wales?
- Does your name appear anywhere in the Weekly Doctor Who FAQ?
- In the monthly one?
- In the alt.drwho.creative charter?
- Have you seen the Star Trek: Voyager pilot?
- Did you hate it on principal?
- If you answered yes to question 35), are you British?
- Lose 3 marks if you subscribe to *any* Trek newsgroups, gain 1 if you don't.
- Do you know what Storm God Rising is?
- Do you know who keeps the NA/MA rankings?
- Do you know who keeps the alt.drwho.creative charter?
- Do you know where he blatantly copied it from?
- Can you name all three editors of Net-Decalog?
- Did you guess the baddie in Legacy during the first 30 pages?
- Did you think that the paper Blood Harvest was printed on was more
interesting than the actual story?
- Where you disappointed when the L'Officiers told us Fox weren't going to
pick up Amblin Who?
- Do you know what Trans-Dimensional Junk is?
- Have you ever had an entry included in the bloopers list?
- Have you ever consulted the bloopers list when watching a Doctor Who
- Do you know why I'm being insufferably smug about DWM and the Internet?