"All this waiting, not knowing what's happened to him. It's worse than being with him." (Sarah about The Doctor, in THE MASQUE OF MANDRAGORA) *** NEW ADDRESSES and revised information as of NOVEMBER 1996 *** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OPERATION: SAVE WHO! Complete Address List & Web Sites: IF YOU DON'T WRITE THE LETTER, WHO WILL? (IMPORTANT: please do not put "Doctor Who" anywhere on the envelope! They will think it's fan mail and forward it somewhere else.) FOX TUESDAY NIGHT MOVIES FOX Broadcasting Movie Department P.O. Box 900 Beverly Hills, CA 90213-0900 FOX Viewer comment hotline (weekdays only) (310) 369-3066 FAX: (310) 369-1433 They also have a general comment e-mail address: askfox@foxinc.com OR: foxnet@delphi.com You can also reach their internet address: http://www.foxworld.com/entertainment/email/index.html FOX BULLETIN BOARD FOR DOCTOR WHO! Here's the direct address: http://bbs2.iguide.com/foxworld/ or you can enter through the disclaimer statement: http://www.foxnetwork.com/talkbord.htm *************** Important BBC Addresses & Contact Numbers: Dr. John Thomas, Managing Director BBC Worldwide Television Woodlands 80 Wood Lane London W12 OTT Tel:0181 743 5588/0181 576 2000 Viewer and Listener Information BBC Villiers House The Broadway Ealing London W5 2PA Tel: 0181 743 8000 Various e-mail addresses include: Drama@bbc.co.uk VLC@bbc.co.uk (viewer and listener correspondence) POV@bbc.co.uk (Points of view - viewer feedback) ********************* You may also want to send letters to various executives, and others involved in the project with a word of thanks and possible encouragement for more. These include: Trevor Walton/Tom Burke Movies for TV, FOX Network 10201 W. Pico Blvd Los Angeles CA 90035 Tom Thayer President Universal Television Building 500 100 Universal City Plaza Universal City CA 91608 FAX: (818) 733-1591 Bob Greenblatt Vice-President in Charge of Series, Fox 10201 West Pico Blvd, Bldg 88 Room 303 Los Angeles, CA 90035 ******************************** The following was contributed by Marcus Durham: Everyones been writing to the BBC, Fox and Universal, But what about the British tabloid press? It's worth a try certainly and they cannot ignore loads of letters. I suggest we only target a few newspapers for maximum effect. Try writing to: The Daily Mirror 1 Canada Square London E14 5AP Charles Catchpole, works at the News of the World these days. He had much to do with saving the series in '85. So why not write to him at: The News of the World 1 Virginia Street London E1 9BD ******************************** Contact address for Australia: Australian Broadcasting Corporation General Manager ABC Corporate Relations GPO BOX 9994 SYDNEY NSW 2001 Phone (02) 333 1500 Fax (02) 333 5305 email: comments@your.abc.net.au In Australia, the good Doctor is shown on the ABC (Oz version of the Beeb). They have a www site at http://www.abc.net.au (Thanks to Peter Sansom for this info!) ********************************* Various sites that support the SAVE WHO campaign: (please contact me if you want to be a part of this list) SAVE WHO FAQ can be found on: 1. Introduction to Save Who, http://www.pipex.net/people/chuck/sf/drwho/in/faq/savewho1.txt 2. Updates, http://www.pipex.net/people/chuck/sf/drwho/in/faq/savewho2.txt 3. Addresses to contact, http://www.pipex.net/people/chuck/sf/drwho/in/faq/savewho3.txt> Doctor Who Fan Network: A huge fan organization that knows a lot about WHO. Includes a purple ribbon petition to SAVE WHO! http://www.cris.com/~Perval/form.shtml Mike Wilson's WHO SPACE http://www.flash.net/~mwilson/drwho/drwho.html Doctor Who: A Brief History Of Time (Travel) by Shannon Patrick Sullivan http://www.physics.mun.ca/~sps/drwho.html and the Doctor Who News Page http://www.logopolis.com/whonews/ The uk.media.tv.sf.drwho homepage by Marcus Durham http://www.zenn.demon.co.uk/drwho/drwho.htm Marcus Durhams DW news website http://www.zenn.demon.co.uk/drwho/win.htm Go there for more DW pictures and wav files of the BBC Award show. Jerry Strider's SAVE WHO PAGE http://www.access.digex.net/~jstrider/savewho.htm The Sci-Fi Connection http://www.webentity.co.uk/sci-fi/tsfc.html The Web of Fear: The home page of the United Whovians of Tucson, has also added a link to the SAVE DOCTOR WHO page. (Thanks to Karen Funk Blocher [UWoT Veep] for the info) http://members.gnn.com/delirium/uwotmain.htm. FAQ's OF NOTE: THE WHO FAQ FOR rec.arts.drwho Siobahn (Shabang) Morgan (morgans@cobra.uni.edu) The rec.arts.drwho FAQ collection by Chuck Foster ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Send Flyers to non-internetters to write all comic shop owners. In an effort to get non-internetters in on the SAVE WHO campaign. Eric J. Carter has created a flyer about SAVE WHO. Email him and he will send you some flyers for your own distribution lists. He suggests we "Find as many shops as you can and try to get them to distribute to shops they know about." I've already gotten mine! Thanks, Eric. And that's the end for now. If anyone has any sites that they like to contrinbute, please email me at end of SAVE WHO FAQ.