Shabang's Unofficial, Copyable, Abridgable, Downloadable, Usenet Clublist

updated, maintained, and significantly altered by Me (Shabang).

This list may be freely copied, altered or expanded upon, since the sharing of information is more important than the hoarding of it, wouldn't you agree? So please do fold, spindle and mutilate to your heart's content.

Internet based clubs

Australia Clubs

A.C.T. New South Wales Northern Territory Queensland
South Australia Tasmania Victoria Western Australia


National Clubs

Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick
Newfoundland Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Ontario
Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon

European Clubs (Non-U.K.)

New Zealand Clubs

UK Clubs

National Clubs

DWAS Local Groups sorted by Region

East Anglia London Midlands South East
West Country North England Scotland Wales

Non-DWAS Clubs

US Clubs

National Clubs

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California
Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia
Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri
Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey
New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio
Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont
Virgina Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

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