The data is formatted into sets of 4 lines with the following data
- name of star, period, literature source, photometric system, order of fit,
a0, a0 error, a1, a1 error.... afit, afit error
- name of star, period, literature source, photometric system, order of fit,
1 error....
fit error
- name of star, period, literature source, photometric system, order of fit,
a0, a0 error, R21, R21 error,
R31, R31 error, R41, R41 error,
21 error,
41 error
- Comment on data (usually blank)
The codes for the literature sources can be found here. Codes for the photometric systems
can be found here.
Where data is missing, particularly in the case of error terms, a value
of 99.99 is used to save that place.
It is possible to cut and past the data from the browser windows in
most cases, so that you can then edit the data for graphing.