Types of Measurements in the Database

The Symbol column refers to the short hand way the measurement is listed in output.

SymbolMeasurement SystemSymbolMeasurement System

UJohnson System UJU-BJohnson U-B
BJohnson System BJU-VJohnson U-V
VJohnson System VJB-VJohnson B-V
RJohnson System RJB-RJohnson B-R
IJohnson System IJB-IJohnson B-I
JJohnson System JJV-RJohnson V-R
HJohnson System HJV-IJohnson V-I
KJohnson System KJR-IJohnson R-I
DUU - Johnson SystemJJ-HJohnson J-H
DBB - Johnson SystemJJ-KJohnson J-K
DVV - Johnson SystemJH-KJohnson H-K
DRR - Johnson SystemDJB-VJohnson B-V
DII - Johnson SystemDJU-BJohnson B-V
DJJ - Johnson System
DHH - Johnson System
DKK - Johnson System
BVRIAverage of Johnson B,V,R, I values
VRA Average of Johnson V and R magnitudes

SWKUStebbins-Whitford-Kron U
SWKVStebbins-Whitford-Kron V
SWKBStebbins-Whitford-Kron B
SWKGStebbins-Whitford-Kron G
SWKRStebbins-Whitford-Kron R
SWKIStebbins-Whitford-Kron I

SUStromgren ultravioletSB-YStromgren b-y
SVStromgren violetSM1Stromgren m1
SBStromgren blueSC1Stromgren c1
SYStromgren yellowDSB-YStromgren b-y
SBETStromgren beta
DSUStromgren ultraviolet
DSVStromgren violet
DSBStromgren blue

GV Geneva VGU-BGeneva U-B
GB-VGeneva B-V

HVHipparcos Satellite V

OVVisual (Eye)

PH Photographic

DL Luminosity

RV Radial Velocity

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